RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong)

RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) has been Hong Kong’s public broadcasting service for the last 90 years, and is home to our dear friend the legendary Uncle Ray Cordeiro, who was named by Guinness World Records as “the World’s Most Durable Radio DJ”.


Noreen Mir’s lively interview with me on RTHK Radio 3’s “1 2 3 Show” was a highlight of my November 2018 Hong Kong visit. Her program content is fabulously diverse. Our discussion of Remembering Shanghai followed an interview with a Masai warrior who had come from Kenya to raise awareness about the poaching of endangered species such as elephants and rhinos.

Noreen proved to be a warm and engaging interviewer. Our conversation flowed freely and the time passed quickly. Click here for the RTHK podcast.